what a weird month to be setting some intentions for, right? i’ll be working from home and attempting to maintain normalcy, while watching the world around me shift, change, and evolve. anyways, i’ve given some thought to these intentions, and while some may seem ‘fluffy’ or ‘frivolous’ at first glance, i’m really hoping to create small routines that better my everyday. dare I say, elevate my everyday?
wear real clothes and document it
I always struggle with documenting my outfits. sometimes (a lotta times) the mirror selfies feel a little frivolous. but then i think about what fuels my creativity, and a lot of that comes from fashion and seeing what others are wearing. i hope to do the same and offer up some ideas on what to wear next and some confidence in how to style it. i’ve been living in sweats, and on a good day, athlesiure and loungewear, but i’m ready to get back to a little normalcy. this month I want to dress for how I want to feel and document it.
use one new ingredient a week

we’ve been eating the same dinners for a while now (like, two years), and while they are good, we need to try something new. i’ve decided i’m going to snag one new ingredient per week and use that in our dinner recipes. up this week: bok choy.

continue morning pages
I’ve been doing morning pages now for almost a month. like I mentioned in this post, tbd if I see a huge difference, but it helps me to collect my thoughts for the day. I also think it’s nice to prove to myself I can adopt new habits. i’ll keep with it! along with it i’m trying to write some manifestations for what I want in my life. that’s been interesting, but I really like the brain space it puts me in.
organize, but be ok with the mess
OMG this one is tough for me. i’ve been making a list of places in my house I need to sort through and eliminate clutter, and i’m committing to taking out one giant bag of ‘stuff’ a week [hopefully more]. on the flip side, I need to start to be ok with a little bit of mess. I have two little kids, and that means crumbs, crayons, and a myriad of toys all over the place. during the week, it stays to a minimum since we are all out of the house ten+ hours a day, but now that all four of us are here a lot more.
find ways to give back and support
we are eating out more now than ever in an effort to support our local establishments. we are also looking for more direct and impactful ways ways to help those affected by coronavirus [again, if you have any good suggestions send my way! bonus if they help those locally]. I also just launched this sweatshirt over on shopgolden30.com with ALL profits, always, going to those affected. i’ll be honest, production is somewhat slowed due to social distancing orders in the states where these are made, but they are still shipping them out! i’ll be getting mine later this week 🙂

hope you have a great and happy monday! let’s all live with a whole lotta grace, for ourselves and for others. this is a time like no other, and there is no manual for this. keep doing the next right thing <3