happy wednesday friends! today i wanted to share the best of _______ lately, since recommendations are one of my favorite things to get/give.
the best podcast i’ve listened to
the sakara life girls whitney and danielle just started a podcast, and i’m REALLY into it. this one in particular re-sparked my interest into astrology.
the best thing i’ve read
i’ve talked about it before, but i’m partway through this book and loving it so far. i’m trying to do teeny tiny things to work on myself lately, stretching into the uncomfortable parts of me, and one thing i’ve always struggled with is my worth monetarily. i’m working on it 🙂 highly recommend the book for it’s easy-to-understand concepts and conversational tone.

best thing i’ve created [lately]

besides my two kids, i’ve been really leaning into my artistic side pretty heavily during this stay-at-home order time period. i’ve worked on a number of pieces, but my favorites are this bag [that will become my new snack back when i go back to work] and this illustration i turned in to a sweatshirt. now my wedding dress can be with me in a more casual setting [like pseudo-quarantine ;)]
best thing i’ve ordered
ugh give me all the sequins. and i’m not even a super-sequin-y person, but there’s just something about being in comfies all day that has me CRAVING some fancy-ness in my life, especially in the way of outfits. i ended up placing a j.crew order last week, and picked up pretty much everything that was on my list. best thing i ordered? this dress. SO EXCITED.#treatyoself [i’m saving $200+/month on parking while working from home, so that’s how i’m justifying this :)]
best thing i’ve eaten
um, blizzards. hands down. i also got this dressing, though and it’s SO good. and speaking of sauces, i’m obsessed with this. i’ve gone through five (FIVE) containers since being wfh. FIVE!
alright, friends. now i want to hear the best thing you’ve bought/read/ate/watched/listened to/wore lately. share all the good stuff going on!