i realize i’ve never really done a traditional ‘day in the life’ post. trust me, once life returns to our new normal, i’m happy to share what that looks like. one thing i’ve found myself wondering, though, through all of this, is what a day in the life of other people in quarantine looks like. you may or may not know (or be experiencing it yourself), but minnesota was ordered to shelter-in-place as of the end of last week. for the majority of us that have been following social distancing guidance, not much has changed at all. i had already had two weeks of strictly working from home under my belt since target is a great company and takes this all very seriously, but i still wanted to share what a day in the life looks like for me now that i’m home all day.
5/5:30a: wake up. i’m still trying to maintain my schedule because at some point, we will return to the office and i don’t want to be completely off my game when that time comes. so i get up around 5am still.
5:30-6a: hop on, answer emails, write my morning pages. if there’s one thing that this lockdown has afforded me, it’s time to really extend my morning routine. i’ve been pretty consistent with my morning pages and the only days i’ve missed in the last few weeks have been weekends. i’m not sure if that makes a difference or not, but i figure it can’t hurt.
6a: workout. i’m trying to do closer to 45 minutes on the treadmill if i don’t think i’ll get some significant form of other movement (a walk outside on my lunch break, a quick mirror class), but it’s hit or miss. AT LEAST 30 MINS, same as ‘normal’.
~7a: head upstairs to see my kids. joey usually has them somewhere in the process of up/dressed/fed, not necessarily in that order. i tag in wherever he needs and continue that process. sometimes we have the news on (i have always loved the today show), sometimes it’s puppy dog pals.
7:50a: i’m back down in my cloffice, ready to start the first chunk (well second if you count what i get in early early in the morning) of work done for the day. i really try to keep a comprehensive and efficient to-do list to help keep me on track.

11a: typically break because i’m hungry. some days i’ll do a #fab4smoothie, other days i’ll have a quick snack of fruit/yogurt to tide me over until lunch.

noon: lunch! lunchtime is always a time i look forward to, even during ‘normal’ times, but it’s something i look forward to even more during social distancing. i’ve been able to really enjoy the groceries i’ve picked up and eat more … interesting … meals than just grabbing a salad on the go or packing myself a hastily thrown together salad at home the night before. i want to use my sakara life cookbook [eat clean play dirty] as well as some of the recipes in kelly leveque’s new book, body love everyday more now that i’ll be home for at least a month. more to come on that!
1p – 3/4p: continue to work through my to-do list. the majority of my time spent online working is on calls or working on projects. i think joey was truly surprised at how many meetings i have in a day; many days it’s hard to find legitimate time to work unless i do it outside of ‘normal’ working hours. it’s the same issue i have when i’m in the office, though, and why i end up working at night. i love my job so it doesn’t bother me; it just sometimes creates a bottleneck when it comes to producing what i need to for work/home/the blog.
3p-5p: sometime in there one of us will go grab the kids. it’s usually joey since i’m finishing up on calls anywhere up until 5p.
5p-6p: family dinner time! our dinners don’t look that different from what we had been having before social distancing. it’s still chaos – cole gets baby food/finger foods, logan has a meal that looks different than ours (i don’t love that, but surviving, occasionally thriving, right?) and joey and i are trying to eat somewhat healthy so we can have blizzards later #truestory.

6p-8:30p: playtime, baths, bedtime. i’ll be honest, this time really drains any energy i had left. for some reason logan’s been getting a burst of very loud energy at the end of the day (timed perfectly when cole has gone to bed already), and while it’s absolutely adorable and hilarious, it’s so disruptive. we are working on it, but not really. a lot of these things are what i’m assuming are phases, and i can either drive myself nuts trying to get her out of them or wait it out. i’m choosing to wait some of this out. plus, in her slightly-manic goofy state, she usually laughs so hard at herself she sets herself into a fit of giggles, which sets me into a fit of giggles, which she then laughs at, and so on. i’m no scientist, but i think laughing before bedtime gives you better sleep.
9p: (hopefully) asleep so we can get up and do it all over again!
but when, might you ask, is there time to do blog posts? and now shopgolden30? honestly, most of that work gets done on the weekends or at night. i fit it in the cracks of my weekdays if i need to, but the majority of it happens on the weekends. logan and i spend time together crafting, and those are the products that wind up on shopgolden30. i try to limit how much i’m on the computer when i’m around my kids, but sometimes it’s inevitable. i tell them what i’m doing, though, so they know mommy’s working or mommy’s working on her hobby. honestly, i’m just doing the best i can with what i have (which is a lot).