“health and wellness” — what a granola term (even though i use it up and down this blog). it occurred to me the other day that by making some of these things non-negotiable (as much as i can), i have been building a framework that allows me to support my own health and that of my family’s. some of these are obvious, some not so much; all are important.
this one is SO obvious, but as soon as you start getting busier and busier (or having babies), this is the first thing to go. i’ve started to become really protective of the first half of my sleep, since the last half is almost sure to get interrupted by a tiny human. i honestly, you guys, try to be in bed between 8-8:30p. no joke. if i can get to sleep before 10p, that’s great. i also get up somewhere between 4:30 – 5:30a (by choice, not because a child is waking me). sleep is paramount — i can tell when i don’t get enough in a number of ways. i crave sugar, i’m crabby, and i drink WAY more caffeine than i should. i just feel all around gross. sleep is the foundation of all of the healthy routines i have in place.
“blah blah blah – we get it kelsey, you walk on the treadmill every morning and add in some strength, barre, or yoga here and there” – anyone who’s read this blog for any length of time. yes, but did you guys know how good you feel when you do?! i only say this because i was not an athlete growing up. i hated (still hate) the feeling of being out of breath, and i do not run. so i started with something easy (walking) and have stuck with it for the last 5+ years, through 2 pregnancies, a whole host of other reasons i could have quit. my point here is: just start, and start “easy” if you have to/want to. getting exercise everyday has it’s physical benefits, sure, but the mental clarity i get from getting 30 minutes, many times uninterrupted, to start my day and know i’ve done something good for myself, gives me the mental strength to perform how i need to in the most demanding job of them all — being a mom.
take your vitamins.
i wrote all about the vitamins i love here, so check out that post for more info. i swear that taking ritual vitamins religiously for the last 3 years has made a difference in my hair and skin, plus all the other benefits (you know, like magnesium and such).
dry brush.

my new favorite wellness practice — dry brushing! i have done it sporadically in the past, but after cleaning out some of my bathroom drawers, i came a cross it again and made a point to get back to doing it. i’ve found that by incorporating it into a routine, it makes it easier for me to remember. it literally sits on top of the makeup removing balm on my counter that i use pre-shower, so it’s become a part of my nightly routine. you can read more on the benefits of dry brushing here, but i think it’s been helping to improve circulation since starting. i will say, it makes my skin a little itchy
tongue scraping.

talked about it here, here, and here, but it’s something i’ve been doing for well over two years. i think this is one of those things you chalk up to noticing when you DON’T do it, rather than when you do (collagen is in that bucket for me). more on the benefits here.

alone time (eventually)
i say eventually because right now, i’m hardly ever alone. i LOVE my alone time. it’s how i recharge. at this stage in my life, i’m always with someone, whether it’s during the day at work (back-to-back meetings) or at home (kids/husband/family). i cherish my alone time and physically and mentally need it to recharge my proverbial batteries. i take it when i can get it, and when i can’t i just know i have to lean even harder into the practices i’ve listed above to make sure that i keep my sanity.
this framework is something i’ve been working on building overtime – i get it doesn’t happen overnight! but it’s so worth it to be able to have all of these “tools” in my toolbox. any health and wellness non-negotiables for you? i’d love to hear — comment below or on my instagram!