golden thirty: hair faq’s
i get a lot of questions about my hair, so i figured i’d answer them all in once place:
is that your real hair?
yep! it’s my real hair. never had extensions in my life.
what is your natural hair color?
good question … i haven’t seen it in almost 20 years, but i think it’s a medium/dark brown. with a lot of grey in there now 😉

how did you get your hair so long?
my hair did not grow with my first pregnancy … it stayed a little longer than shoulder length for years. once i stopped nursing logan, i could tell it was starting to grow a little (and also fall out; postpartum hair loss is no joke!), and i credit that to these vitamins and these probiotics. in addition to that, eating pretty healthfully has helped with my hair. sounds cliche, but i honestly believe that. i also switched to washing it every other or every third day, which helps cut down on heat damage.
how often do you get it cut?
ha, never. i cut my own hair, since it’s just a trim. my best and sharpest scissors are the scissors at my desk, so i’ve been known to give ‘er a quick trim in between meetings. i know, hair experts everywhere are shuddering, but i just can’t justify it when i already know there’s heat and color damage … it winds up getting too short if i let someone else do it.
how often do you wash it?

depending on how colored it is, every other or every third day. it gets a little knotted underneath after the first day, so i have to be really diligent about brushing it. i’ve started to use this bubble mask and this shampoo in addition to my normal shampoo and conditioner. i’ve talked about the kristin ess line before — i LOVE it. such great products for the price!
how do you curl it?
it’s pretty simple, actually. i section it into four sections (dividing it in half down the back of my scalp, and then in top and bottom sections on both sides). from there, i curl pieces away from my face, leaving the ends out. when i am done with a section of hair, i run the curling iron through the ends going the OPPOSITE way (so towards my face), so i get a good flip. i use this curling iron and it is my absolute new favorite. i used to be a die hard hot tools user, but since buying the kristin ess curling iron, i haven’t touched my hot tools one.
i’m all about sharing tips and tricks, so if there’s ever a question you have for me (about ANYTHING), please reach out!