i’ve posted about this a few times before, but since it looks like we are about to see the sun and warm weather again here in the north [for good!], i thought i’d update and share my absolute fave tanning product since we could all use a little pick-me-up, and a glow does just that for me. seriously, i did not think it was possible to find it, but i’ve done it: i’ve found the best sunless tanner out there.
the best sunless tanner:
this tanning spray is the best thing, ever. i am a former bed-tanner [i know, i know], so i love a golden glow. my new go-to? i use gradual spray tanner after i get out of the shower, every other shower, and put lotion on top of it to help smooth it out. i’m currently using the neutrogena micro mist and can’t say enough good things about it. no gross after-spray smell, and i have yet to see a streak. i should note, i’m notorious for not being good about rubbing tanning lotions in enough, and i end up very streaky. the combination of spraying immediately post shower and putting lotion on over it has allowed me to look like a real professional, because nothing screams ‘amateur hour’ like streaky fingers.

i do want to add that
this is a gradual tan, not an immediate color product
it takes a few days to build the color you want, and then you’ll only have to keep it up a few times a week for maintenance.
the method:
here’s the breakdown:
1. shower as normal.
2. towel dry off. you will likely still be a little damp, but that’s fine
3. spray the micro mist all over [i even do my face! i’ve had good luck with not breaking out from this stuff, but try at your own risk]
4. cover with whatever body lotion you use. i’m currently using this one, and it’s great!
shower. spray. lotion. done. it’s that easy! no mitts, no streaks, no fuss. and NO GROSS SMELLS. that’s my other thing – it can’t smell like self tanner. my goal shade is for people to wonder if i had just gotten back from a quick weekend away [not a week in mexico, more like a jaunt to miami].
ALSO – this sounds so superficial, i’m aware, but this was a LIFE.SAVER. when i was on maternity leave. you literally do not feel like a normal human for the first month after you bring your baby home, and sprucing myself up a little bit really helped keep me sane [that and every day Target trips]. tip: do not spray on your torso if you are nursing, and FOR SURE if you got a c-section, like yours truly. arms/legs/face.
it’s super simple, and for ten bucks, the can will last you quite a long time. it’s cost efficient, sun-safe, and anyone can do it.