things are starting to open up a little bit, but it still looks like i’ll be spending a lot of time in my home for the long haul. in that, there are some key wellness practices i’m focusing on during social distancing. i’m working on looking at this like a gift: i have this block of time to gain two hours back from my commute, take breaks during the day, and really refocus. these are the wellness practices i’m focusing on:

yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, I have this one that’s always on my list. if I don’t start now, with the time i’ve been given, though, I won’t ever I fear. there are so many benefits of meditation during a normal period in our lives, and in this time of uncertainty, I could use it more than ever. I actually meditated to sleep the other night and it was blissful [until I was woken an hour later by a crying baby]. I would love to start with ten minutes in the morning and figure out a way to do it at night, as well, without disturbing joey.
morning pages
I actually started this a few weeks before we were sent to work from home, and loved the ability to get things off my chest first thing in the morning. if you aren’t familiar with the morning pages, check out more here. I also use it to write down blocks that are not serving me as well as positive affirmations. so far, it’s not one of those things that I notice really impacts my day; i notice it more if I DON’T do it.
be really intentional about my probiotics

I just started taking these [review coming soon] and similar to the morning pages exercise, I notice more when I DON’T do it. I listened to a number of podcasts with the founder and loved the science behind a synbiotic. the price tag was a tough pill to swallow (no pun intended) but so far it’s been totally worth it. i’ve noticed a difference in my digestion, especially in the morning, and that it helps with bloating when coupled with eating less processed and sugary foods.
switch up my fab4smoothies

you guys know I love them, and now that i’m home during the day, I want to try to experiment with recipes more. I usually love some sort of nut butter in mine, but might be trying to lean more towards avocado or coconut oil once or twice a week to switch it up. I also just got this protein powder and want to experiment with ingredients that compliment the flavor. cacao butter, anyone?
what about you? i just recently got back into dry brushing and heard melissa wood health gushing about gua sha, and it has me itching to try it. what else could i/should i be doing? let me know! 🙂