with groceries expected to last longer and longer between trips in an effort to stay home and shelter in place, i’ve been researching and trying to find out how to maximize my grocery haul and not throw out that token bag of salad greens that we all know are going to get slimy and thrown out before the bag is ever open. i’ve been searching “how to maximize grocery freshness” like a fiend over on pinterest, and here’s what i’ve come up with:
wash and DRY your produce

i am guilty of buying pre-washed salad, but i’ve found that if i buy the whole head i get a lot more than is in the bag and i’m able to make it last longer. the key to this is washing and and drying it SUPER well.this might be the thing that makes me buy a salad spinner, but right now i’m washing it and drying it with a paper towel. i also store a paper towel in the bag with it to help absorb any moisture that i may have missed or that builds up before i can use it.
use your freezer
i started freezing my spinach when it got a tiny bit wilty and use it for smoothies. while i’ve been doing that for years, i am now starting to do it with other produce. blueberries freeze really well, as do bananas. you can even freeze rice – who knew?! this article says to blanch your veggies first if you’re going to freeze them.
tomatoes, avo, and bananas on the counter
store those guys on the counter. this one was new for me since i usually keep my avocado and tomatoes in the refrigerator.
nuts and seeds can be frozen!
this was another new one for me … handy!
place herbs in water
kind of like you do with a bouquet of flowers, if you put your herbs (cilantro, basil, parsley, etc.) in a glass of water, they’ll last longer. this one i’ve tried many times and can attest to.
same goes for asparagus
treat your asparagus like it’s a bouquet for additional freshness as well
kale and cabbage can last longer
eat your greens that tend to go bad first, and grab some kale and cabbage to add to dishes later in the week(s). they’re a little heartier and will last longer in the refrigerator.
if you have any other tips, drop them below so we can all share in the grocery hacks!