i really shouldn’t even call it a social media platform, because pinterest is really more of a search engine (think more like google than facebook). i’m a visual person. i like it if you SHOW me what you’re talking about. i know i’m not the only person who ever ponders “would i rather be blind or deaf?” (lol), and the answer has and always has been deaf. i’m ok without music, and some days when i’ve heard the paw patrol theme song a million times, i almost wish i was (totally kidding – i’m thankful for my eyesight and hearing and overall health. but moms, you know what i mean!)
anyways, i’m here today to talk about my favorite social media platform, which is pinterest. i’ve been an avid user of pinterest for a long time. not in a “strategy-use-it-to-grow-my-blog” way, although i’m interested in learning that. no, i love it for all of the visual inspiration it gives me. i use it when i’m on the treadmill in the morning, and it gets me excited and inspired for the day. seriously. i’m not always researching the same things, but depending on whatever i’m in the mood to look at/read/learn about that day, i’ll hop on to pinterest. here are the key areas i’m always trying to learn about or be inspired by:
pinterest for fashion and style
i have been pinning to my fashion board for years. YEARS. probably a decade at this point. it’s funny because if i were to create a super scroll and be able to go all the way back, you would see how my style shifted on pinterest and i guarantee that would correlate to how my style has evolved in real life. think prom dresses, what to wear with flared denim, and uggs circa 2008 to spanx faux leather leggings and oversized boyfriend blazers in 2020. i peruse pinterest if i’m feeling uninspired when it comes to outfits in the mornings, so to say it directly influences my style is an understatement.
my favorite board to pin those things to? fashionista.
pinterest for healthy recipes
love love love searching pinterest for healthy recipes. when logan gets up early (like, early early guys) on saturday mornings, i’ll whip my computer out and search pinterest for “healthy muffin recipe” “pancake with coconut flour” or something of the like. “healthy banana muffins no nut” has been one i’ve been using lately, and found a ton of really good recipes. i also look for some dinner recipes to start making for my family for the week, since some of my intentions have been to find new healthy recipes for my family.
check out my nutrients and meal plan boards for recipe inspo
pinterest for blogs to read
at the risk of sounding like a broken record, i love reading blogs. getting a peek into what other people are doing/eating/listening to/wearing/products they are using etc. is so fun for me, and often how i discover new things. since i spend half an hour on the treadmill every morning, i have an entire board dedicated to all the blogs i like to keep up with.
check out my board “follow” to see what bloggers i’m following
and last but not least, for interior design and decor
i mean, it’s what a lot of people go to pinterest for in the first place, but the home decor inspiration on pinterest is bar none. it’s what keeps adding to my “honey do” list, and the reason i want board and batton everything, and even where i found the granite i selected for our home. again, similar to fashion, you can see how my style has progressed through the years. my love for gold, black, and white, though, has remained the same 🙂
i’ve been pinning to my pinterest home design board for YEARS
are you on pinterest? you can follow me on pinterest here. i’d love to see what you are pinning!