I would be remiss if I didn’t say anything about what’s happening in our country, and in my own backyard. i’m heartbroken at what happened to george floyd, and at the amount of waking up i need to do. this past week has been one eye-opening week, and really challenged me to do better. it’s not enough for me to not be textbook racist; it is my duty as an extremely privileged white woman, married to a privileged white man, from a family of privileged white people, to educate myself and my children on how to not only be inclusive, but challenge and change the centuries old paradigms that got us here. i WILL be a part of the solution, and it WILL start in my home. first up: educating myself on systemic racism and the paradigms that have gotten us here. it’s daunting, but i’ve got some good resources to start with. if you have any good resources for educating myself or my family/having conversations with kids, please drop a comment below so we can all see!

Appreciate this post, Kelsey. It is daunting and we all have work to do for sure. Here is a list of resources that I came across and am planning to work my way through: http://bit.ly/ANTIRACISMRESOURCES