how i get [and stay!] inspired

photo cred: maria lloyd photography

note: i am reposting this, because i personally need a little creative boost right now and plan on taking my own advice, since being on maternity leave has me a little discombobulated and i notice my creative streaks don’t always come at the most convenient times. off to peruse pinterest!

having a creative passion project is something that i totally cherish. the fact that you guys take the time to read this makes it SO rewarding for me. that being said, like anyone who works with anything creative, there are times i am not as inspired. today i want to share a few ways that i find inspiration and get my creative juices flowing.

i step away. if i am not feeling inspired, i take a break and practice a little self-forgiveness. i acknowledge the fact that whatever i’m working on just isn’t going to come at that moment, and let it be. on the flip side, if i’m on a tear writing posts or putting together pins, i crank out as much as i can at once. because i know that i’m not necessarily going to be able to bottle that creativity for any old time, i capitalize on it when i have it.

i get some sleep. i know that if i’m running on proverbial empty, i’m not going to be very creative. i already try and prioritize a good 8 hours [which looks more and more like 6 these days], and that becomes more important as i work on creative projects.

i use pinterest! pinterest is for sure my favorite social media platform. i absolutely love pinning and going back and looking at my boards. this actually really feeds my outfit creativity, since i pin while i walk on the treadmill in the morning before i get ready. i also find other bloggers/content creators on there i love to follow, and by doing that i constantly feel inspired. it’s something that i have grown to love, and treat almost like an integral part of my routine every morning. if i don’t pin, i really am missing a something that flips a creative switch in my brain.

i listen to podcasts. this is something i’ve really come to cherish on my long commutes. i’ve found a way to maximize that hour+ in the car by listening to inspiring, educational, and overall creativity-driving interviews. check out some of my faves here and here.

i read old-school magazines and catalogs. few things are more aesthetically pleasing than a beautiful magazine layout. i can really appreciate the time, effort, and thoughtfulness that goes into the content assortment, angles of the photography, and overall layout of the page, and reading a magazine gives me an appreciation for a different medium. to be honest, i wish i had more time to read magazines, because they are so aesthetically pleasing.

that being said, i’ve been getting some great creative bursts lately, so what do you want to see more of? style? wellness? kid stuff? career? let me know! i want to create meaningful content, so i would love to hear what you are loving! dm me or comment on my latest instagram, or drop a comment at the bottom of this post!

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  1. 9.26.18
    Heather said:

    Love this—it is hard to crank out creativity on command sometimes:). And I like to take advantage of my commute too!

    • 9.26.18

      SO efficient, right?! plus i find i resent my commute a lot less if i find enjoyable things to do that are also productive 🙂 thanks for reading!