and how i’m incorporating them into my life. i recently stumbled (“stumbled” aka saw it on bloglovin‘) across this article from fitsugar, and was pleasantly surprised to see that i’m already incorporating a lot of the best superfoods for 2020 into my life.

superfood: hemp hearts (hempseed)
full of protein, hemp hearts are SO easy to add to just about anything. i dump them on my salads when i’m at the salad bar at whole foods, put them on top of smoothies (then mix them in; it adds a nice crunch), or add them to yogurt. they don’t have a very strong taste, so i can pretty much add them to anything.
superfood: bone broth
i’ve been making joey drink a cup of bone broth every morning, and myself, have been cooking a lot of our meals in it. it adds a more rounded out flavor to veggies, and i’ve even been known to add it to smoothies (don’t worry, your protein powder cancels out any savory taste). with a myriad of benefits like electrolytes and essential amino acids, this was an easy one to add. it is said to help heal and seal the lining of you digestive system as well as improve hair/skin/nails. it’s like drinking chicken noodle soup without the noodles.
superfood: arugula
i mean, i wrote a whole blog post on it — i love arugula. well, love is a strong word, especially for a leafy green. i “more than tolerate” arugula. it’s peppery taste make it more palatable and add more flavor to my salads, and it’s leaves are small enough i don’t get a face full of dressing every time i take a bite. boasting vitamin A, C, and fiber, it’s something i’ve added to my everyday basic millennial salad routine.
superfood: chocolate
um, hello! this is one i’ve been on board with since, like, forever. what i have done in the last few years, though, is up-level my chocolate game. yes, i still eat reeses by the fistful, but when i hit the grocery store every weekend, i always pick up a bar or two of interesting dark chocolate to nibble chomp on during the week.
the exhaustive list has ten (i think), but i was happy to see that i’ve already been incorporating some of the best superfoods for 2020 into my diet already. i love reading lists like this, mostly for ideas on what’s cool or new, but it’s helpful to know that i’m already doing something right 🙂

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Okay, weird question, but do you *make* your bone broth? I had one experience with it and was kind of yicked out, but if I can make it at home, it might be worth trying again.
hey! i do not; i buy either the trader joe’s brand or the bonafide provisions brand (bigger target’s now carry it in the refrigerated section!). if i think about the process too long it kind of weirds me out, so i’m with you – ha. also, convenience is key 🙂