do you ever have ideas or concepts just come to you? you’re surprised by them, even though they originate in your brain. i had one when i was driving the other day that struck me. and i’m so thankful it did.
here i was, just doing a casual five over the speed limit on my way to target, and the thought popped into my head “you’re a multi-hyphenate. you keep trying to niche down when really, it’s going against your very nature to.” i’ve struggled with trying to fit into a box for a really, really long time. am i a corporate career woman? what do i call my hobby? people call it a side hustle; is it really that? it doesn’t feel like that … and the mom part! i’m a mom first — but am a only a mom? just one half of the caregiver team for my kids? oh, and i’m passionate about wellness, being a global citizen, and being involved in my community. WHAT AM I?

i’m a multi-hyphenate, that’s what i am. i’ve heard this term before; it’s not new to me. but i had thought of it in the context of a singer/songwriter/actress/director, not in the mom/boss/career woman/volunteer/activist/smoothie lover way. but that’s what we all are, right? multi-faceted?

i was having a conversation with logan the other day, and i was getting really hyped up about telling her that SHE was the ONLY HER in this world, and how cool was that?! there’s only one her, and that’s her superpower. being the most herself she could be was the best thing she could do. it’s actually a really hard concept to wrap your mind around, but so simple.
so from here on out, i am no longer going to half-heartedly attempt to fit myself into a box. the blog is (and always has been) focusing on a lot of things. the shop carries a variety of pieces to satisfy the multi-hyphenate bold/confident/mom/career woman/fashionstas/activists/passionate ladies out there. and i’m here to share that instead of following the either explicit or implied idea that we need to niche down or fit into pre-existing proverbial boxes, i’m going to embrace my multi-hyphenate-ness. better believe the multi-hyp(henate). i’m still working on it 🙂
LOVE THIS!!!! thanks for the new term, it’s OUTSTANDING! You are an inspiration and I love that you are discovering and emphasizing allllll the things that make you wonderful. Thanks for sharing them with – and inspiring – a broader audience.