I had a phrase for last year that I was going to use as my north star. it was “done>perfect” and I had that burned into my brain and even painted and put up on the gallery wall behind me [so obvi I saw it during every zoom call, el oh el]. I do think it helped me feel ok about sharing work that wasn’t perfect, which is exactly what i’m going for. what I did end up feeling was frenetic and stressed, VERY often. i need 2021 to be calmer than 2020.

that’s why my 2021 word of the year is “joy.”
my goal this year is to leave space in my day, my life, for more joy. joy in living, joy in my family, and joy in being able to see the people i care about most again (hopefully). just being. joy in my everyday life. not worried about what needs to be cleaned or perfect or organized before I can start something. not worried about what else I could be doing, or focusing on what i’m not doing and worried i’m unproductive. i’m giving my life room to b r e a t h e. creating joy and cherishing the moments that I have. plus, i’ve come to realize, no matter how clean and organized I can get things, my kids are following behind me like little tornados. I don’t want to continue missing them while i’m trying too hard to get things done.