hi friends! been a while, hasn’t it? same as before, i just have such a hard time sitting on my computer all day long at work and then turning around and spending time at night writing content. too much screen time; too little human interaction. i’m hoping that rights itself once i head back into the office in some capacity, since i really enjoy writing and all this blog has brought me.

anyways, thought it was time to just check in and let you know i haven’t fallen off of the face of the earth. may was kind of a weird month since it felt like the start of summer, but not really. mask mandates went away, things are starting to feel “normal” again, but it was hella hectic in our household. joey’s been getting ready for a new job, and with that comes some extra schooling (the guy has his masters, plus some, and now getting his admin’s license for school) and time spent away from home. for me, that means an extension of wrestling season where i’m on the hook for daycare pickup, dinner, and occupying children. all while wrapping up the last few hours of my day, so it feels like i’m doing an awful job at both parenting and working. the part that bugs me about not being able to show up well in my job is that i feel like i’m letting my team down. they are waiting on me for things, and when i have to either pause to sling some goldfish, change the channel, or work through a tantrum, it’s letting them down. on the flip side, my kids are definitely not getting the best mom when i’m distracted and more focused on my computer than them. i’m trying to be really intentional about not being plugged in when it’s mom time, but it’s hard, ya know? nobody’s winning here, and i’m feeling like i’m doing a crap job.
ok enough emoting about that, because i love my job and i love being a mom and want to be good at both. that’s all. i want to bring back my monthly intentions posts, because they gave me a nice framework of things to focus on. since work from home started a year and a half ago, i feel like i’ve gotten far away from having a monthly focus, and it was truly survival mode for a long time. i’m ready to start thriving again, and what better way to do that then to try to hold myself accountable than with goals.
in other news, i feel like a real adult because i opened an account and started INVESTING. i mean, how exciting and scary? i’ve always been intimidated by the stock market, but recently started doing more research on it. not to mention the money i had set aside for rent for a physical location for punch has gone untouched (sadly!!!!!), so i want to do something with it instead of letting it just sit there. i’m still looking for a space to have a semi-permanent pop-up, but in the meantime, investing in the stock market will have to do. more to come! i’ll share how i did it, since if i find it intimidating i’m guessing other women out there do as well.
have a great start to your week!
You are an awesome mom – and based on your careful attention to being a daughter I’m sure you’re an amazing coworker too. I swear the def of mamahood is perpetual discomfort. But your kids are wise, sassy, self- reliant and perfect and you are the most soundly rooted human I know! Thanks for sharing so openly. You remain an inspiration!!!!