self-care | my “always-on” practices

no matter how hard i try, i wind up feeling like everything is a “busy” competition. not in the sense that i’m busier than everyone else; no, quite the opposite. i feel like everyone else has it harder than me [“they have TWO kids, what am i complaining about?” “their husband travels for work — i have NO reason to say anything.”] for real, i always end up feeling like i’m in a losing race, just super busy but not as busy as i could/should be. more and more lately i’ve been working on being really conscious about a few things, and it’s led me to prioritize my own wellness and self-care. i try to focus on:

  1. it doesn’t matter how busy/stressed anyone else is. it really doesn’t. we all have our own thresholds for what we can handle, and i’m focusing more on knowing my own.
  2. i’m not “bad” or “not succeeding” if i ask for help. this is HARD. but it goes for work, home, parenting … anything! asking for help is not a sign of weakness; rather a sign of self-knowledge and self-awareness. i know when i’m on a path to being a person i less-than-like, so i try to curb that and ask my husband/coworkers/friends/family for help when i need it.
  3. it’s not selfish to prioritize yourself. now that i have a tiny human that depends on me, i try to make sure i’m even more aware of how i’m feeling than ever. if i can’t be my best self, logan loses.

i’ve been thinking about this more and more, and my self-care practices fall into two different categories. i have my “always on” self care practices, and my “tools” in my toolbox. today i want totalk more about some of my “always on” practices:

getting enough sleep. if i don’t get enough sleep, my day is basically shot, and that rolls into the next day. it’s a vicious cycle that always ends up eating me alive. i need my 8 hours, which is why i go to bed when my kid does.

prioritizing my morning workout. i forgot how outta whack i feel when i don’t work out. i wasn’t able to get in my early morning walking while on my recent new york trip, and I FELT IT. just that thirty minutes of movement really sets the tone for my day, and makes my life much smoother. it gives me mental clarity, not to mention the physical ability to run after my very active kiddo. this is coming from the girl who never had an 8am college class because i could not FATHOM being up that early, so if i can become a morning person, anyone can. 5am is no longer a time that belongs to long-haul truckers and nurses. i cherish my morning workouts before the sun and my family rises.

taking care of myself. it might sound superficial, but i have worked really hard to like the person i am on the inside, so i want the person on the outside to match. that means doing my hair and wearing just enough makeup that i feel like kelsey. does that mean everyone should do their hair and wear makeup? definitely no. but it works for me, and helps me feel like my best self.

eating [semi] healthy. ok, so full disclosure: i eat salads for lunch to counterbalance the reeses pumpkins that are currently at my desk right now. but since i’ve started to learn more and more about nutrition and how it affects your overall wellness, prioritizing getting some goodness into my body on a daily basis has become more and more important. i am working on some posts on some of my key meals/foods i eat to really make myself feel in tip top shape, and will be sharing soon!

i highly, HIGHLY encourage you to start doing more things for yourself. when you prioritize your wellness, it prioritizes the well-being of those that depend on you. take some time away from it all and go for a walk, read a book, or listen to your favorite podcast. go get your nails done, or treat yourself to a few hours wandering around the mall. whatever makes you feel your best, do it.

happy friday! do something for yourself this weekend, and have a good one!




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  1. 10.5.18
    Nana said:

    Love love love these insights and this perspective sweetie. Such innate wisdom – you’re definitely my inspiration as I still struggle with every point you so elegantly made. Thanks for being my role model!! ❤️