outfits lately + pregnancy update

hi friends! happy monday. today i wanted to give you a quick update on the pregnancy so far, plus some of my outfits + links lately. i’ll have a more regular bumpdate periodically [not sure if you guys like reading those, but i’m obsessed with other people’s updates, even when i’m not pregnant! if you’re not here for the baby bump, feel free to breeze right by those], but i’ll bring you up to speed so far:

joey and i decided to “not try not to get pregnant” sometime this summer. to be honest, it happened really quickly. that being said, i never want to take that for granted, so i am 100% aware of how lucky we are on that front. i found out, like, RIGHT away since i had taken a pregnancy test over labor day weekend [in charleston with some of my fave gals] that was negative. later that week i took one, and what do you know, it was positive! i waited a few days to tell joey [mostly because i was trying to teach logan to say “i’m going to be a big sister!” but all she would say, and still says, is “NO!” we are working on it.]. when i did, i had logan hand him a card that said “you make cute babies” on it. one question you might be wondering is how we already know the gender — i took the harmony blood test! it’s significantly less expensive now than it was even two years ago when i was pregnant with logan, and the test results are reliable and accurate, so it was a no-brainer. finding out the gender early was a bonus. i’ll go more into detail in a later post on how joey and i decided to find out, but it was a pretty neat moment for us.

here’s the nitty gritty:

how far along?: almost 13 weeks! it’s early yet, but my doc said that we are about as good to go as anyone can be at this point. plus, i’m starting to show already [second pregnancy probs], so i have precious little time of “baby or burrito?” left

showing?: depends on the day. more like, depends on what time of day. i think i am, but it’s still to the point where i can hide it with consciously tucked/untucked shirts, mid and low-rise pants, and some shift dresses. thank goodness it’s layering season.

morning sickness?: yep. i’m on a steady regimen of unisom + vitamin B6, which has really helped, but after it starts to wear off at night i get sick.

weight gain?: 8-10 lbs, depending on the day. what gives?! it’s like the minute my body figures out i’m pregnant, i gain weight, regardless of how i feel. i’m going to chalk it up to increased blood volume, because some of my pants still fit. for now.

cravings/aversions?: this is where it’s been a little tricky — i usually want nothing, but everything. i feel terrible, but the thought of eating is the only thing that sounds good, but also sounds horrible at the same time. the only real craving i would say has been red meat, and chicken and salmon have kind of grossed me out. i’m convinced all the salmon i ate with logan helped develop her little [big] brain, so i’m trying to make a concerted effort to eat salmon. oh! lately i’ve been into cereal with oat milk. weird, but so good. probably going to have that for dinner tonight now.

sleep: thanks to unisom, i sleep pretty soundly. i’m going to bed early so i can get up and use the treadmill, still, but it’s like i’m a walking zombie. add in another small human to care for, and i’m ready for a nap at any given time.

workouts: still walking most days! i skipped when i was on my work trip in nyc [that was ROUGH], but when i’m home and in a routine, i still try to get half an hour in. we will see how long my normal pace holds up; i had to dial it way back with logan.

most excited for?: hard to say right now, but i’m pretty excited to give logie a brother. my brother is one of the best gifts i have, so the idea that logan will get one is great. i’m also super excited to have a son, and to give joey a son.

we are super excited. honestly, i think i am more excited now than i was with logan, because i know how awesome it is to get to bring a tiny human that you MADE into this world. i look at logan all the time [usually laughing at something funny she said/did] and tell joey “how lucky are we that we get to have another one?!” truly one of the biggest blessings + responsibilities ever.

ok, now on to the outfits! you might notice i’ve been adjusting how/what types of jeans i’m wearing … unfortunately my high waisted ones are going in the far back of the closet until next fall AT THE EARLIEST  [and that’s pretty wishful thinking – ha!]. low-rise it is for now. which, by the way, i do have to say, low-rise denim is hard to find these days. ultimate first world prob: being pregnant while crop tops and high-rise bottoms are in. both pregnancies. ah well, thank goodness leggings are still a thing.

thank you for all of your kind words on the pregnancy! we are SO excited, and are so excited to finally share with everyone. much, much more to come!

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