14 week bumpdate: wearing belts just to prove i can

trying to figure out how to dress the bump + wearing belts just to prove i can

and just living in stretchy materials.

14 weeks! seems like just yesterday we found out we were expecting our second tiny blessing. logan was 9+lbs when she was born, so arguable how tiny. it’s all relative, right? … until you have to give birth. just sayin’. overall, i’ve been feeling more hit or miss this week, as opposed to just “kind of crappy” like i have been lately. good days are GOOD, and the rough days are ROUGH.

how far along?: 14 weeks!

physically, how are you feeling?: better on the good days! still unisom + b6-ing the crap out of my day, but it’s helping. like i said above, the good days are good, and i’m getting a tiny glimmer of hope that i might have energy again one day. i actually woke up saturday with tons of energy, and by noon was nodding off on the couch. jury is still out on energy ever coming back. friday i felt super sick, all day long, so i’m glad it was a slow day at work and i could hunker down at my desk. i’ve been having a lot of headches, though! kind of annoying, but totally manageable.

baby bump?: so not quite a bump as much as some legit bloating. everywhere. i’m like “how did i lose the little muscle tone i had?! i’m still working out?!” i’m assuming it has to do with retaining water + increased bloodflow, but am running to the restroom so often i can’t imagine there’s any extra liquid left. i guess there is, though. so no, no legit bump, just feeling very …. round, for lack of a better term.

gender?: still a boy!

cravings/aversions?: i can eat chicken again, so that’s good news. craving nothing, yet everything.

emotions?: stabilizing. haven’t cried at anything too ridiculous this week, but i do still tear up when the underdog wins. again, i don’t think that’s a pregnancy thing, though …

maternity clothes?: ehhh kinda sorta. i’m trying to dig out these tanks from target to wear under blazers, and i’m trying to get as many wears out of my non-maternity jeans as a i can. current status: wearing belts just to prove i can.

workouts?: still walking everyday, squats + push ups! i actually just got a new pair of nike airmax shoes, and normally i only like them for bumming around because the soles feel heavy, but these are awesome! i’m SUPER picky about what shoes i choose to work out in, and these ones made the cut. huge fan!! normally i’m a nike free girl through and through, but i can definitely add these to my shoe repertoire.

weight gain?: still ten pounds, but no longer give or take. it’s ten, guys. ten. i realize ten pounds doesn’t seem like a lot, but it does when you are trying to button your pants. let’s just say i constantly look like i ate thanksgiving dinner. my digestion hasn’t been 100 either, so i’m really making sure i remember to take my probiotics at night [read more about why i love them here and here]. trying to give myself a little grace, and this is the area where i need it most 🙂

thanks for reading! i’ll be back tomorrow with more goodies from target … mostly just the christmas decor i will be smuggling into my house without joey seeing. happy wednesday!

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