november intentions: how did i do?

dreaming of warmer weather. and having a waist. pc: maria lloyd photography

if you remember, i shared my intentions for the month of november a few weeks back. since we are to the end of the month and about to enter a new, fresh month, i wanted to use today’s post to see how i did against my goals. here’s the original post, and below is how i did in each area:

wash my face twice/day: ehhh, not 100%, so i could use some improvement. i have been using micellar water to wash my face in the am post-workout, and i think it’s helping keep my skin much clearer since i’m prone to pregnancy breakouts.

lymphatic drainage/face rolling: ordered myself TWO jade rollers, so i’ve been on a roll with this one. pun intended. i think it’s helping, and if not, total placebo effect. i’m waiting for the bags under my eyes to magically disappear, but sadly i think as a mom of a young kid, those are here to stay.

healthy swaps: fail. it’s the holidays, so i have been swapping nothing. i have, however, remained a fairly healthy eater during this time. it holds me accountable that everything i put in my body has to do double duty and not just nourish myself, but another tiny human.

no-buy november: ehh, better but not perfect. i forgot i was doing this when i ordered a bunch of j.crew factory, madewell, nordstrom, and j.crew items for myself. whoops. but again, i’ve been better.

christmas shop!: partway there. not as far along as i would want, but i have more done than i normally do by this time.

prioritize my sleep: definitelyprioritizing getting to bed earlier! the holidays/weekends throw me off a bit, but i’ve been sleeping in until, you know, like 6am then the next day.

stop complaining: trying! i catch myself complaining to joey about how i’m feeling, but i’m pretty quick to catch myself.

meditate: nope. maybe next month.

i’ll definitely be working on my list of december intentions over the weekend and sharing them on the blog next week.

have a great weekend!

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