18 week bumpdate | i guess maternity pants are high-waisted pants, huh?

but seriously, i was a little sad when it occurred to me as i almost dislocated my shoulder trying to pull my brand new stretchy waistband maternity faux-jeans [they are faux because the POCKETS AREN’T REAL! found that out trying to quietly tuck my phone into it as i was headed out in the morning, and it dropped on the floor with an earth-shattering, child-waking thud. disappointed.] that they technically count as high-waisted. and while they don’t suck anything in, i do miss the days that i could walk into madewell and assume that i could walk out with some jeans. le sigh. [and yes, madewell makes maternity jeans! i have these on order right now and am thinking about these ones.] on to the bumpdate, because we all know we are just here to see what i’m craving and how much weight i’ve gained [spoiler alert, it’s more than my doc would like. double spoiler, i don’t care]

how far along?: 18 weeks! this tiny thing is a sweet potato. i mean, in size. not literally

physically, how are you feeling?: better! i mean, i think i caught my kid’s cold, but pregnancy-wise i’m feeling pretty good. headaches, round ligament pain, and leg-swelling [already?! it’s not even fair … ]

gender?: #babypunch2.0 is a boy – yay for the perfect set! although i’d be 100% happy with either gender — logan is the coolest and another her would be a-ok with me 🙂

cravings/aversions?: just eating #allthethings and enjoying all the christmas treats that are around. i’ve been cooking more dinners at home so that keeps things a little healthier, but if we are out and about i definitely don’t pass on the bread basket. 

maternity clothes?: yep yep yep. busted out the maternity jeans already. i was hoping to make it until 20 weeks, but i rolled over after i woke up a week ago and knew that was out of the question. i just bought a new round of these long sleeves for some good basics. right now my wardrobe is basically maternity jeans, tanks/long sleeve, and a jcrew blazer

workouts?: walking + strength workouts, but not as consistent as past weeks. i feel like i’m fighting a cold, so that has got me feeling run down. glad i’ve been able to stay active this long, though!

weight gain?: 17 glorious pounds! hoping majority of those are sitting in my chest, but my pants are telling me otherwise. *shrugs shoulders* leggings + sweaters are lyfe.

any other weird symptoms?: really, REALLY dry skin. that i had with logan, and winter in minnesota isn’t helping. oh, my lower half of my body is also pretty swollen by the end of the day. my friends are going to get some funny snaps when i take my shoes off here soon, so you have that to look forward to [again] [you know who you are!]

again, just feeling incredibly grateful to have the opportunity to carry this little babe! logan is literally more fun by the day, so getting to bring a sib into this world for her is such a gift. i know i say it every week, but i’m truly, truly grateful. 

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  1. 12.12.18
    Rhonda Remer said:

    I saw you last week and you looked sensational! Don’t worry about the weight, you are a young whippersnapper and you’ll take it right off! Love the pregnancy posts, brings me back.

    • 12.12.18

      ahhh you are too sweet! thank you! it always cracks me up because i have no idea where it goes *shrugs shoulders*. see you soon! glad it’s wrestling season 🙂