happy tarzhay thursday! hope you’ve all been having a great week. i’m spending tomorrow morning doing my glucose test at the doctor’s office, so let’s all cross our fingers for no gestational diabeetus. it’s also minnesota’s state high school wrestling tournament, which means i’ll be solo-parenting until sunday [which, now that logan’s two and incredibly fun, is not nearly as scary, daunting, and downright terrifying as it used to be. just means i get to hog all the snuggles]
today’s tarzhay thursday is chock full of goodies, including a piece i was searching high and low for for baby boy punch’s room! you know when you’re talking about something you KNOW you haven’t searched online, but your phone later serves you an ad for it anyways? yeah, i feel like target might have just one-upped that. i had been searching high and low [not to mention texting my mom about it] for a tree-stump table that 1. sat flat on carpet 2. was not crazy expensive and 3. was not so heavy i couldn’t move it, but not light enough my kid could knock it over and get hurt. not specific at all, you guys. low and behold, i walked into the patio section last week to dream about days when i could sit on a patio that wasn’t actually in the middle of a windowless store, and LOOK WHAT WAS RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME:

target heard, and target answered. target, #ftw.

we finally got an outside sectional last year for our patio, and i regretted never picking up these plates. good thing target brought them back! perfect for indoor OR outdoor entertaining, they are melamine, so i’m not worried letting a toddler use them. i also feel fully justified in getting outdoor dinnerware because i’ll be on mat leave this summer, and in my “i’ve forgotten how attached to this kid and your couch you are” brain, i’m dreaming of lunches al fresco and reading with my baby fully covered from sun + bugs next to me, out on the patio. le sigh.

shop the bag here
target is killing it this week, per usual. happy tarzhay thursday, everyone! thanks for reading!