hi friends! hope everyone had a great long weekend. i put up a snap of my meal plan a few days ago and got some messages about it. most of them were on where to buy (target – new hearth and hand!), but some were asking me what we were making. i figured i’d share, since they are super simple. plus, i’m always inspired by what others are making [hence why i love to read what liz adams has or the weekly skinnytaste meal plans].

monday – grill night
- whole chicken on the grill [some bbq, some plain] – make extra for salads for the week
- grilled zucchini + grilled green peppers
- chopped romaine caesar salad – make extra to take for lunch
tuesday – spaghetti squash + shrimp
- spaghetti squash
- rao’s pasta sauce
- trader joe’s argentinian shrimp
wednesday – grilled burgers + sweet potato fries
- elk burgers (+cheese for joey and logan)
- butter lettuce (for my bun) + whole grain buns (joey + logan)
- sweet potato fries (i’m going to attempt to get them crispy, but i’m not sure it’ll be worth my time. they’re going to be eaten regardless … ha!)
thursday – loaded salads
thursday is about the time we have some of this, some of that, and odds and ends of produce + protein to eat up. i always try to plan either a salad/wrap night towards the end of the week for that reason. i bought a head of lettuce knowing that it’ll last until thursday and we will add in any produce/protein we have left + whatever joey and logan have ripe in their garden.
i always try to add a few different options incase we get home late, decide to go out to eat, don’t feel like cooking what i have, etc. flexibility is the name of the game! i always keep wraps, frozen cauliflower pizza crusts, and other quick-but-healthy options around for nights like that.
- cauliflower crust pizza
- sheet pan meal (chicken sausage, broccoli, asparagus, etc. if we opt for this i’ll sometimes pick up some pre-chopped veggies on my way home from work)
- wraps (hummus works great on wraps and stays in the refrigerator for a couple of weeks!)
- breakfast for dinner (eggs + chicken sausage + kodiak cakes)
there you have it! i’m on the lookout for some new recipes to add into my repertoire, so if you have any quick/easy/healthy weeknight recos, send them my way!