3 ways to start your week strong

pc: maria lloyd photography

happy friday! i’m sharing these three ways to start your week strong on a friday in the hopes that you are able to implement some of these this weekend and be able to get in a good headspace prior to the week ahead.

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1. self-care sunday

the best kind of mondays actually start on sundays, IMO. i have a pretty solid sunday routine that includes some alone time (i’m an introvert and get recharged by spending time alone, but thats a whole separate post for another day). i also make sure my house is clean, meals are started for the week, and my lunch is packed. i also make sure i am ready for the week in the fact that laundry is washed, my hair is clean, and do a face mask + some teeth whitening strips, time and energy permitting. there’s something about waking up monday extra fresh that just helps me put my best foot forward into the week. some of my favorite self-care products below:

2. get some sleep

i’m not sure what it is about sundays, but i have a hard time falling asleep. i try to go to bed extra early on sundays [if my kids allow] to give myself ample time to try and get to asleep. i also like to catch up on shows if i can, so going to bed early sunday night is something i genuinely look forward to. having troubles falling asleep? this article talks all about how to improve your sleep, including my favorite – walk 30 minutes a day. it also talks about using the weekends to catch up on sleep, which i know is debated, but something i can get behind … maybe when my kids are older.

3. prep

i’m a big proponent of having my bag packed the night before, and sunday is the one day where you can guarantee my bag’s ready to go. i also pack my lunch and have a good idea of what we are going to have for dinners that week as well. i try to have gas in my car, iced coffee in the fridge ready to grab on my way out the door. the majority of the time i’ll have my outfit options set out as well, so that i can go through my morning as smoothly as possible. i also take a look at the podcasts that i have yet to listen to and pick out one i’m really looking forward to getting into to start the week strong.

bonus: have something to look forward to monday night

for me it used to be dinner with your friends or a game of volleyball with your club team or even the bachelor. regardless, it’s nice to have something to make monday night more than just, well, monday night. something to add a little excitement to the beginning of the week. i can tell you i am more likely to get a blizzard on mondays, too, since there’s nothing better than watching a good show with a dq blizzard 😉

hope this helps! i’ve been incorporating these tips into my routine for a few years now and i can tell you from experience that it helps immensely to make the start of the week great.

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