five random tips for working from home

we’ve been doing this whole work from thing for a while now, and it’s starting to become something that may not change, at least for the foreseeable future. i, for one, am making the best of it (or trying) by implementing these five random tips for working from home:

random tip #1: the solfeggio frequencies

i have never been one of those people that can concentrate while listening to music. i love to work with the tv on, but purely in the background so that i don’t feel alone [it’s weird, i know]. i stumbled upon the solfeggio frequencies recently and have been playing them in the background when i’m not on calls, and it’s really helped to keep me calm when i feel a tad bit frazzled with my days. i want to try listening to them as i fall asleep at night as well, since i would imagine they would help me drift off to sleep.

random tip #2: walk in between meetings

when i’m in the office, i usually have between 5-10 minute walks between buildings/floors at least 3-6 times per day. i’m not getting that at home, and before you know it, i only have ten steps in as many hours. i recently started popping up and out of the house for ten minutes walks twice a day [hopefully more in the future], and like that it gets me out of my desk and outside.

random tip #3: put the screens away

i have not had headaches like this in YEARS. i’m staring at a screen all day long and i’ll be honest, by the end of the day, i’m slightly dizzy and have a headache. it’s insane. instead of blue light blocking glasses [which i’m still going to try!], i’m trying right now to just get off of screens. when my work day is done, it’s done and my computer goes away.

i’ve also ordered myself some blue light blocking glasses to see if they are worth all of the hype!

random tip #4: assume positive intent

it’s so hard to communicate via email/text/even video all day long, so assume that every interaction has positive intent behind it. not to mention, there is not one person that is unaffected by this. we are all having a hard time, albeit varying degrees of hard, but hard nonetheless. let’s remember our humanity and express empathy and understanding at every turn. it can only generate positive karma, i’m convinced.

random tip #5: get dressed

you guys!! i’m having such a hard time with this, and i don’t know why. it’s so funny because it’s really true: i dress for other women. i dress for people to SEE my outfit, not necessarily for myself. and not in a superficial, ‘look at me’ way — i dress to express myself. this is *ironically* the one i need to work on pretty significantly. new rule for myself: no more leggings unless it’s part of the OUTFIT [i.e. tunic + leggings].

alright, friends, any other tips for me? i would LOVE to hear them! these are just five random tips for working from home – please share any other ones that have been working for you!

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