i’m so ready for it to be august. this summer has been … different, and i’m finally getting in the groove of it and enjoying myself. i’m ready to refine, improve, and feel better about myself. for my august intentions, i’m focusing on that in three different ways:
physical health: drink five smoothies a week

this is a lofty goal! i love a good meal, and am one of those people that love to think about what they are eating next (tell me i’m not alone!). i’ve been sneaking in smoothies lately, though, and notice how much better i feel since i’m able to flood my bod with all kinds of good things while still having it taste like a treat. i’ve also been adding granola to give it a crunch factor, which makes it like a healthy blizzard imo. i figure if i can get some #fab4smoothies in my week, it definitely can’t hurt!
mental health: find a therapist

i have no shame in my mental health game. i (try to) meditate, calm myself, and focus on being present regularly, but sometimes [like in the middle of a global pandemic], it’s time to call in the big guns. it’s been a few years since i’ve seen a therapist regularly, and i think it’s time to go back. my anxiety is manifesting itself in a way that i can’t manage through my regular routines and exercises, so it’s time to call the experts. i’m an open book, so i’ll share what’s helping as i go along! (this is also my way to hold myself accountable by putting it out there)
overall health: continue to be creative

i have been working on some new vintage lines to bring to shopgolden30.com (more STATEMENT SPORTSWEAR + my trophy wife/hunting widow collections), plus bringing some exciting new pieces to the shop! the little shop has grown to be more of a collection of all the fun, cool, piece you would find in your best friend’s closet. it’s for the trend-setters and the taste-makers.
there you have it! simple, yet so complex, i hope these three things will improve my life and tee me up for a great fall/winter this year.