monday chit chat || podcasts and purpose

hi friends, happy monday! checking back in today with some of the random things that have come up in my life, i’ve come across, or have been thinking about.

i listened to this really good podcast on the origins and potential identity of QAnon. somehow i’ve been living under a rock (or just haven’t gone down the rabbit hole yet) and i haven’t done a deep dive on QAnon, just to get up to speed. the entire podcast is well done, sort of like something NPR would do, and i found it a great starting point if you want to find the tip of the iceberg when it comes to understanding the QAnon world.

speaking of tip of the iceberg, i’ve been really struggling with the whole “where do i get my news and who do i trust?” issue lately. I know that the MSM leans heavily into gloom and doom, because that’s what sells the proverbial papers. I also know (and really, really dislike) that there are right wing extremists that will perpetuate blatant lies in order to push their agenda. i, personally, consider myself a moderate because if you average out my views on a wide variety of topics, i’d be a moderate. I guess “technically” I hold democrat and republican views, depending on the topic. I long for the day when we do away with a two party system and politics isn’t such an old white guy game, so until then i’ll continue to champion what I think is right without labelling myself. what I really think is that we should embrace capitalism, but make sure we are tending to those that are less fortunate than us. allow enterprise, the ability to build and create something from scratch, but eliminate barries to entry in markets while serving the most, not the top .01%. the more you make, the more good you can do. i mean, technically i’m a capitalist with incredibly socialist views. take care to dismantle systems that inherently keep people downtrodden, while standing up systems to create and foster growth, nurturing, and care for others. I really believe it does not have to be all or nothing; you can be on a spectrum for any set of topics and vacillate as you have new and better information.

ok, so all that to say, i’m struggling to find who I trust for news sources, but I came across @emilyinyourphone on instagram and LOVE her. she’s incredibly knowledgable and able to succinctly share her educated opinion on what may or may not happen given certain circumstances in the country. I also love @sami from betches. she’s clearly slanted, but given that we agree on most of the topics she talks about, i’m here for it.

heavy stuff for a monday, amirite? ok also, just ordered a BUNCH of stuff from sephora since i’m all of a sudden having a crisis moment about my aging, thirty-year-old skin. I also picked up some new skin/wellness tools from target, so expect a full report here soon.

finished the sakara 3-day plan last week. also, review coming soon.

launched what might be my fave sweatshirt color combo of ALL TIME this weekend! mamas, this one is for you. get the sand + pink MAMA sweatshirt and customize by adding your kiddo(s) name(s) to the collar. LOVE LOVE LOVE.

I tried to take pics in multiple types of lighting — the color is called “sand” if that helps 🙂

have a great start to the week! i’ll be catching up on all my weekly/monthly horoscopes, which is the BEST part about a monday, IMO.

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