“i have idea!” cole says that all the time in his little toddler voice, so excitedly, and it’s the sweetest and the coolest thing ever. i rush over to him and ask him to explain his idea to me, and while it’s usually something around playing farm and building a “barn-er” (not my forte), i oblige because you can’t not indulge that sweet little voice and the excitement behind it.

background on the idea
anyways, i have an idea! (but hopefully you heard that in a much cuter way thanks to the above). i always have so many questions that i love to research, but tbh, anecdotal evidence is my favorite. i think there’s something to the fact that the experiences we have in our lives (the micro) really are indicators of the macro a large portion of the time. the phenomena we see happening around us is real, and there’s something to it. for that reason, i have a whole host of things i’d love to ask the audience on, and here’s how i want to do it:
getting to the point: the actual idea
i want to pose questions to my friends on the ‘gram and share answers on the blog. i love when other accounts do this, but i want to do it in a way so that the answers can live in a *hopefully* more organized manner, instead of getting lost in instagram stories or you having to search through people’s highlights to find them.
the deets
i make a point to follow a lot of different types of opinions on my instagram, and i hope i create a space that does so for others as well, but in order to be transparent on demographics, i’ll share my instagram insights about my audience for the sake of clarity. like, it’s mostly (but not all!) women around my age-ish, but should provide some sort of varied experience when it comes to career, background, and i sincerely hope overall thought diversity. oh! all answers will be shared anonymously. mostly because it’s easier than going through and trying to get everyone’s permission, but i also want to keep this as clean of an experiment as possible.
let’s try this little experiment; i think it’s going to be fun! once i post answers to the questions on here, i’ll then share my take on it.
i appreciate you all following along on this; here’s to crowdsourcing some answers from really smart, cool, amazing friends on the ‘gram.
here are a list of questions i have rattling around in my brain right now, to give you a flavor for what is coming:
- who are the best peloton instructors/best classes?
- do you think that media coverage of inflation drove MORE inflation than would have taken place had it not been covered so much? (as a small biz, i sat here and was like “whoa, do i need to raise my prices?!” i didn’t, btw. i actually lowered some of my prices or kept everything flat)
- botox: have you done it/would you recommend it?
- best cleaning hack
- best life-hack in general
- part 1: do you belong to a church/go to a church?
- part 2: if no, do you subscribe to organized religion, or have a different lens?
- best housewife franchise
- best housewife in general
- do you watch the bachelor/ette anymore? if no, why not?
these are all the kinds of topics i’d chat with with my closest gal pals (hello “amigos project” text group – IYKYK), and i want to see what others think. thanks in advance if you want to be part of my little experiment. want to submit a question to crowdsource some answers to? just dm me on instagram or leave a comment here!