one thing i’ve come to realize is that i’m really fascinated and interested in brands and how they come to be. when i hear a really interesting podcast with someone who started their own brand, i tend to deep dive all of the podcasts/interviews that founder has ever done. like going WAY back. in a world where we feel more and more strongly that my dollars matter, we want to support businesses that have heart and soul. brands are really like people: there’s the things that make up the physical structure (products, storefront/website, etc.) and there’s the soul – the message, the way it makes you feel, the visuals.
why is this, though? why do we feel like we KNOW a brand sometimes and other times they are purely utilitarian? it’s like going to see your family practitioner vs. zipping into Urgent Care: one you have a relationship with, one you are using strictly out of need. brands are your family doctor; businesses are Urgent Care. but what makes a brand successful as a BRAND, not just a company or business? take amazon for example. amazon is HIGHLY convenient for most of us. i use them because of their ease. but does it make me feel really good to buy from amazon? not really. if i have time on my side, i’m more than happy to source my product elsewhere from a retailer or the brand directly that i have more affinity towards. what amazon is missing for me is a personality. i don’t know how amazon would show up to girl’s night, a play date, or a workout with friends. i do know how carbon38, led by (co)founder and CEO katie warner johnson, would, though. i know that they would show up to our workout looking jazzy as all get out, and at our play date would have a lot of really fun stories from their work travels. i know that if athleta shows up, she’s going to be super functional, cute, and environmentally-conscious-without-making-me-feel-bad-about-using-a-plastic-water-bottle. punch? oh she’s the mom in the stands, cheering and taking pics of her kids, all while wearing some fun customized piece that makes you go “now where did she get that?! so cool.”
so starting now, i’ve made it my personal mission to make sure is your one stop shop for all things trends, brands you need to know about, people doing cool things, and other interesting phenomena. there’s a million and one blogs out there, and if you’re looking for some fun recipes, amazon finds, and activities to do with your kids, i have a whole pinterest board full of blogs i love to follow. here? this is a space for me to share the fun and interesting finds i come across in my daily curiosities. have something you want me to look for? a brand you’re wondering about? something you find interesting? PLZ SHARE! i am always looking for new and cool things to do some internet sleuthing on, and i’d love to be able to share with everyone else as well.