this week: one new habit

happy tuesday my friends. i hope everyone had a good weekend. it’s sunday when i’m writing this, and i just got back from the most beautiful, cold + snowy walk. i have stopped looking at the weather regularly (who am i kidding; i don’t check it as much as an adult should), and was semi-surprised by the snow storm we got on saturday, but it sure made for a beautiful walk.

i had this idea recently and it stems from the feelings i got from yoga when i used to go (pre-kids). it’s one of those things where you don’t really notice a difference until you STOP doing it. which got me thinking about habits. i was also talking to my bff recently about something she started implementing in her family around doing one load of laundry per day, including folding it. she and i both have spouses that coach winter sports, which means they are gone 80% or more of the time. seriously. it’s basically single parenting in a two-parent household. anyways, these little habits that just improve your life a little bit add up, so what if i “tried one on” one week at a time? i know it takes a few weeks to build a habit, but if i can do something for 7 days, it can help me decide if it’s sustainable for me to try for any length of time.

this week’s habit: meditation

my habit this week is going to be meditating for 10 minutes each day. i used to meditate regularly, especially early in my sobriety, but i haven’t chosen to prioritize it lately. i have this feeling that if i do so for 10 minutes, 7 days straight, i can prove to myself that it’s possible, and potentially keep up with it.

why meditation?

there are SO many benefits of meditation, but honestly, i need to prioritize quieting my mind. i am constantly thinking, planning, re-hashing, etc. and my mind could use a little quiet. this is a lot harder for me than it sounds, because i’m always trying to move onto the next thing and do something else. no time to stop and just quiet the mind; must go go go! time to change that.

more on the idea: a habit a week [AHAW]

i’ve started a laundry list of things that i want to try, including reading 30 minutes per day, planning PUNCH’s social media, a no-spend week, a smoothie/day, and so on. i love a challenge, and me writing it here will keep me accountable. be sure to check back and see how i did on my habit for this week!

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