i had a “year of yes” back in 2018 (I think) that turned out awesome for me, looking back. I said yes to career moves, family additions (hey cole!), and, well, everything in general. it was a great move on my part since it opened a lot of doors for me. when trying to figure out what my focus for 2023 was going to be, I did a lot of thinking. after finally coming to terms with the fact that I was ready to be done mourning my pre-covid life, I decided to do another year of “yes,” but this time to the things I want to do myself. things that light me up. my year of JOY. to me, joy is being light and reflecting that light, which is so perfectly represented by disco balls, hence why i’m referring to this year as the start of my disco ball era.
here’s where i’m starting:
back to writing and sharing
i do love writing. in 2022 that was channeled into too many emails (lol), and this year i’m going to spend it curating kelseypunch.com into something I am proud of again. tips, tricks, and tactical ideas for living a better life inside and out.
focusing on wealth-ness
it has struck me in the last year how much less stress and energy i’ve had to spend worrying about my finances, and I want to double down on that. i want to continue to research and share ways to make, save, invest, and spend money meaningfully, because wealth IS health. wealthness – wealth wellness. we live in a world that is vastly different than our parents’ generation, and it’s high time we all acknowledged that and adjusted accordingly. wealthness, my friends.
wearing (and sharing) great outfits
I get so much energy and joy out of getting dressed, and to be honest, i’ve lost so much of that since working from home. NO LONGER! I created @what_kelsey_wore as a way to share my outfits. that’s it. nothing more, nothing less. @kelseypunch will continue to be my home base for my life, but I just want to straight up share my outfits as a 365 day experiment to see if getting dressed for my day truly does make my life better.
that’s it! simple, fun, joyful, cool. wishing you all the exact same in 2023 as we head into yet another year of unknowns, but SO MUCH POSSIBILITY.
Awesome on all these above the line and between tbe lines thoughts. I soak up and follow your tips tricks and insights. Bring it on. You have such a beautiful light to share – can’t wait to (continue to ) revel in it