19 week bumpdate | feeling human again

how far along?: 19 weeks! #babypunch2.0 is a mango.

physically, how are you feeling?: pretty good! just SUPER tired, but that might be a product of chasing another tiny human around, being super-busy at work, and just trying to keep the house in semi-order. 

logan wanted to be in the picture, but didn’t want to “cheese” – we are working on it 🙂

gender?: #babypunch2.0 is a boy – we are going in for our ultrasound next wednesday to confirm! 

cravings/aversions?: nada! i’m back to eating whatever is being served, and doing my best to meal prep my lunches/breakfasts. is there any interest in a post on what that looks like? you guys liked last time i shared some of my lunches/dinners, so i’m happy to do so again! i’m a creature of habit, and my way of shaking up my meals is by making different salads. 

maternity clothes?: yeah! just yeah. i’m trying to get festive with my outfits, but i realize how crazy i look in some of those cute waist-length sweaters that i was able to pull off last year. it covers, like, half the bump.

workouts?: i totally fell off the wagon both walking and with strength, and to be honest, i think i feel a little better taking it easy. i might have been spiking my cortisol with how hard i was pushing myself [which, in comparison to non-pregnancy, was not hard at all], so i’m thinking i might slow down a little. slower speed, less weight, maybe not working out every day?

weight gain?: 17-18 on any given day, but i think it’s stabilizing due to my dwindling muscle mass [see above]. i didn’t have to size up from last time in my maternity pants [yet] so i’m considering that a “non-scale victory” – ha! i’m excited to go in next week and see how this baby is measuring. logan measured dead-on my whole pregnancy, but was a pretty decent sized babe when she was born. at the end of the day, i really don’t care about weight gain as long as i deliver a happy, healthy baby 🙂 

emotions?: stabilizing! just tired. is tired an emotion?

any other weird symptoms?: super dry skin, headaches, and now weird aches on one side of my body? it’s not quite like there’s a pinched nerve, but feels like it could be heading that way? weird, i know. 

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