39 week bumpdate

gender + size?: baby boy cole is the size of a pumpkin / a honeydew melon / a gallon of milk. like i’ve mentioned before, he feels like a tiny ninja.

cravings/aversions?: pretty much the same, although i’ve just been eating #allthethings knowing that i’m going to have to get my act together once this baby actually gets here. i did discover how much i love sunflower butter [one of the *only* upsides to having a kid that’s been diagnosed with a nut allergy] and have been adding it to my new fave #fab4smoothie recipe [coming to the blog in the next week!] also, thanks to everyone who tagged me in the dairy queen blizzard flight – ha! i love it.

maternity clothes?: just trying to get through right now. i would say i’m only wearing maternity dresses, and that’s not all the time. i’m so glad it’s finally warmer in minnesota so i can just wear loose dresses most of the time. or joey’s sweats when i’m at home ๐Ÿ™‚

workouts?: walking, slowly, and some strength exercises still. for some reason i don’t feel like i’m AS motivated as i was when i was pregnant with logan, but i keep telling myself these are my last few workouts before i am forced to take the following weeks off, so i’m taking advantage of the fact that my bod can still move.

weight gain?: 32ish lbs, depending on the time of day. i definitely look bigger this time around, but overall gained about the same as with logan. again, i only share this to say it’s all relative and weight gain is so, so personal depending on how your bod reacts to pregnancy. when i would weigh myself every day in the beginning of pregnancy my weight would bounce around like crazy, but i’ve found with only doing it once a week, it stays on a pretty steady baseline. oh, and i think my doctor’s scale is weighted ๐Ÿ˜‰

rings on or off?: on, but holy did my fingers swell last weekend. i was a little worried that they weren’t going to come off!

emotions?: i cried during avengers, guys. like big, fat tears. swollen face. the hormones are running high, friends.

any other weird symptoms?: rib pain like crazy! like, crazy crazy. to the point where i can’t stand it and have to move/stretch/bend/stand. it really bugs me when i’m driving, so that’s not ideal, but i literally have another couple days to go and it should go away. i had it with logan, too [totally forgot until it hit a week or so ago!]. i also have pain where i had nerve damage from logan//this kid at the very top of my abdomen [right below my bra line] that’s pretty distracting. it feels like a really bad sunburn. it completely went away after a year when i had logan, so i’m assuming the same here.

i can’t believe we are just a few short days away from meeting our sweet baby! we are opting for another c-section [i talked about why in this blog post] and if all goes well, he will be here before mother’s day. only a few more days with this bump!

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