chit chat:: reboot day 1

hi friends – checking in quickly on a monday [also the first of march, ALSO my birthday month :)] and wanted to give you some updates on random things.

last week i mentioned that i needed to do something different, because my energy levels suck. i hit 3pm and i’m exhausted. so today’s the day! i’m starting to eat better, more whole 30-ish, while prioritizing my mental health and overall sanity. whole 30 is tough for me because i’m just not in the mindset yet. i know that doing a whole 30 is a massive undertaking, and i’m not ready. that being said, i still want to take some principles from the program and implement them. here’s what that means

  • eat as close to nature as possible : if it grew in the ground or has a mother, it gets prioritized in my diet.
  • eliminate the added ingredients: i eat and drink what look like “healthy” foods, but end up having a lot of added crap in them. time for some regular water and coffee sans sweetener. speaking of coffee …
  • better coffee: i am so, so late to this game, but since dave asprey has been making the PR rounds on all of the podcasts, i finally listened to the whole concept of bulletproof. i love hearing the science behind things, but i’m going to test this one out for myself to see if it works. trying bulletproof coffee, at least for this week!
  • mix up my exercises: i’ve been doing this for a while and want to continue to do so. it’s been great to do my mirror workouts before work or over lunch, and i’m feeling stronger than ever.
  • see a chiropractor regularly: i finally, finally went in to kick off some chiropractic care last week, and there’s so much more inflammation in my back and neck than i realized. between poor stress management, my less-than-desirable diet, and not really caring about my posture while i work from home all day long, let’s just say i need to prioritize this. it’s to the point where my back pain is so bad it’s impacting my whole left side. can’t have that!

OK, so those are all the things i’m prioritizing this month to see if i can feel better. notice how weight loss wasn’t in there? sure, i’d love to lose a few pounds, but i really just want to feel better. i need energy. i’m up from where i started quarantine, and i’m ok with that right now. i want to get my mental health right through how i’m taking care of myself, and hope that the weight follows. also, i’ve built more muscle than i’ve had in a long time, so there’s that.

alright! so day one recap (which happened to be yesterday). i slow rolled into this with regular water (BORING), a celery juice, and a bulletproof coffee to start my day. TBH, the bulletproof coffee was fine, except my stomach got a little upset which i realize was to be expected. i was also more tired than normal and my digestion felt super off. i think that was a product of having sushi and chinese food on sunday, and still feeling it’s effects. i ate pretty good (according to the rules i set for myself) throughout the day, but had plenty of cheese products that would be non-whole 30 compliant. oh, and ended the day with a few bites (ok like a bowl) of ice cream. it’s a start, though, right?

more to come! thanks for following along 🙂

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