starting the whole 30 + other housekeeping

ok so joey and I are finally going to do it – we are going to do a whole 30. I have been telling joey we should do it for years now at this point, and he’s finally ready to join and i’m finally ready to put the work into it. starting today, 7/27, we are going to attempt 30 days of focusing on whole food nutrition (+ a 30 day workout challenge joey’s setting for himself) for a variety of reasons. personally, I need to do it for my anxiety. it’s REALLY hard for me to work from home when i’m a pretty social person, and being too far on that spectrum in a hybrid (mostly virtual) environment has left me crabby, depleted, and honestly super pessimistic. very unlike me. i’ve heard nothing but great things about how this self experiment helps with mental health, and that’s what i’m looking for. i also really like melissa urban and the fact that she’s changed the program with new and better information; very akin to how i like to think i operate in the world.

so on that note, send me all of your best whole 30 recipes! i’ve been pinning them for Y E A R S but there’s always new, fun dishes that keep coming up.

what i’m excited for this week: i’m working on some REALLY fun new designs for late summer/early fall for PUNCH, and it’s getting me really jazzed. the more I see, hear, and learn, the more i’m doubling down on how important our given, chosen, and created families are, and am working on some designs to really support that. stay tuned, and if you’ve had your eyes on any of our styles from last year, grab them quick! some will be going away before fall.

on my heart: I would be remiss if I didn’t acknowledge everything that’s been happening with roe v. wade being overturned. i spent a lot of time unpacking my feelings over the weekend, and here is the best way I can synthesize it: power back to the states is not a bad thing, when done to give power back to people. power back to the states that will restrict bodily autonomy and drive poor decisions because of lack of alternatives is horrendous. I see a lot of posturing on social media, and both over-generalization and splitting hairs on the tiniest of nuances, and I am not joining the fray in either. because we can’t trust those in power to take care of us, at state or federal levels, women now live with less rights than those in generations before them did. I will continue to learn, challenge, and find productive ways to change the systems that are so deeply steeped in twisted infrastructure. (and for me, that doesn’t look like sharing viral instagram posts unless I truly think it’s an interesting take that hasn’t been shared before. virality without action is not activism). being involved where decisions are made, in my community and rippling out from there, is how I feel most useful. you’ll see me explore some of those thoughts on here + my social accounts as i “try ideas on,” so if you’re along for the ride to learn and explore some new concepts, welcome aboard!

have a wonderful start to the week, and be sure to take care of yourself and others where you have capacity. oh! and send whole 30 recipes if you feel so inclined; i’m already feeling pretty underprepared 🙂

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